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Winter Solstice 2020

What a title, what a year, and what a conjunction.

I'm not sure if it's because I've smoked too much weed in my life, or if it's because I like the mystery of it all. but the planets, the moon, crystals, oils, and tarot cards... you name it, I feel drawn to it. and it's not just a little interested type of situation, it's like something is pulling me towards it. and yet, for some reason I'm so hesitant to dive into it.

this year, my goal is to change that.

I want to find out what it is that makes me feel so drawn to all of these things. I want to see what gifts I've been suppressing, I want to become more unapologetically myself, no matter how bizarre it might seem to everyone else.

so, I've decided to start with manifesting what I want out of the next calendar year.

this year, will be the year that we become financially abundant.

this year, we will pay off our debts

this year, we will grow JT's business to where he needs employees

this year, we will spend every day with our daughter and puppies

this year, we will change the patterns that no longer serve us

this year, we will learn the power of energy healing

this year, is the year we stop making excuses

this year, we do only what's right for us and our family

this is my letter to myself. a letter that I can look back on in a year and prove that manifestation does work.

I think that many times throughout life we're given exactly what we've asked for, but we never slow down enough to realize it. I hope you all take a moment to realize that everything you have right now was once a dream. and I hope you take a second to write out future dreams so you can look back and really truly be proud of yourself for all that you've accomplished.

what are your dreams for the upcoming year?

what a dreams that you've already fulfilled?




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