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Who am I?

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

such a simple question and yet, it's so difficult to answer.

I was listening to a podcast the other morning and at some point in the show, they said "all I want in the year of twenty-twenty is to be a better human than I was the year before"..

think about that for a second, seriously... take 30 seconds and let that sink in.

I don't know about you, but that statement really hit me, I mean like a full on slap in the face. a slap hard enough that I needed to sit down, with all of my thoughts and put them out into the world. As I sat there, I asked myself...who exactly do I want to be?

I realized that at the heart of it all, I too just want to be a good human.

I want to be the stranger that makes your day, I want to be the friend you can always count on. I want to be there person who makes you feel unconditional love.

I am the server who hugs you when you come in to eat

I am the friend who will come and get you in the middle of the night

I am the wife who always makes sure everything is taken care of

I am the friend who you trust with your secrets

I am the older sister who annoys you with advice

I am the daughter who makes you realize you're old, lol

I am the granddaughter who keeps you laughing

I am the stranger who holds the door and smiles

I am the driver who doesn't honk when you make me miss a green light

I am the dog mom who brings the babies to g-ma's on weekend nights so they're not alone

I am the twenty-six year old who strongly believes in the power of the moon

I am the stoner who observes everyone and everything

I am the person who will call you out on your bullshit

I am the person who will check in to make sure you're ok

I am the new mom trying to navigate motherhood

I am a constant work in progress

I am still getting to know myself

I am forever growing

If you were to rewind five years and make me answer this very same question, I can guarantee the negative comments would outweigh the good..

Fortunately as I've grown, I've learned to really know, accept, and love myself.

Do you know who you are?

More importantly, is it who you want to be?


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