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Honestly.. life has been pretty wild lately. Between setting hard boundaries with loved ones, deciding to start therapy with my husband, and making my happiness a priority- it has been pretty, fucking, insane.

For years i've sworn that the growth you experience from twenty-one to twenty-five is monumental, and then again from twenty-five to twenty-seven, but dude... twenty-eight to twenty-nine.. that one is a douzy. To put it simply, it's been a liberating year. One with challenges, tests, and bumps gallore. But, here I am twetny-nine years old and feeling truer to myself than i ever have been.

I, strangly enough- enjoy growing older. I love that with each new birthday, there's a new me, a stronger me, a more confident me, that's brought to the table. And this year, a few, really good, lessons were learned.

Lesson 1: you have to stand up for you. no one is going to come to your aid. no one is going to take you out of your current situation. no one is going to fix your life. you have to save you.

Lesson 2: it's just a job. there are a million ways to feed a family, don't stay or allow yourself to believe that this is your only option because, it's not.

Lesson 3: love openly. tell your friends you love them. if someone pops into your head, reach out.

Lesson 4: be a good human. this one may seem obvious, especially since we're all (well mostly all) taught from a young age to be a good person. but seriously, if you have the money to give, give it. if you have the time to be there, be there. if you are worried about someone, let them know. if you see something wrong happening, stand up. just be a good fucking human.

Lesson 5: stop comparing. you're wasting precious moments of your beautiful life, telling yourself that it's not enough. slow down, look around, and just appreciate all that you do have.

Lesson 6: be patient with yourself. this was the hardest one for me to learn. but, we're just humans. we're going to make bad decisions. we're going to mess up. we're going to say things we regret. it's just part of our existence. but, how you respond to it is the biggest difference in being miserable or happy. luckily for me, i've finally been able to give myself some grace. I know that a large majority of being capable of this is due to becoming a mother because i've learned to have more patience then i ever thought i could. and i've learned how to extend that to myself, which has been incredible.

Lesson 7: you don't have to put up with peoples bullshit. if they're not adding to your life, cut the cord.

I've always looked forward to being thirty. something about it just seems so inviting, like a big hug welcoming me home. being where I am mentally at twenty-nine makes me look forward to thirty more than I ever have before. life is an incredible, twisted, and magical ride that I really, really enjoy being present for. here's to birthdays, growth, and being true to you.

until next time.



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