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Updated: Dec 14, 2020

hello blogging world,

it's been a minute.

I know this comes as old news to, well literally the entire world but what a fucking year.

it's been traumatic, exhausting, confusing, and at times irritating.

but in the same breath, it's been extremely transformative.

I think it's really easy to look at the negatives in any situation, and for a while I caught myself doing that. I was talking to one of my closet friends a month or so ago, and I explained that energetically I just felt blocked. I didn't feel inspired to write, I didn't feel motivated to be out in nature, I felt numb. I think this year is the end of a long period of change for most people. the world was on hyper speed for far too long, and we needed something drastic to slow everyone down. families who lived together and didn't know each other, are now closer than ever. friends who took regular gatherings for granted now cherish every moment spent with one another. in my opinion 2020 has allowed us to focus on the things that actually matter and to learn how to incorporate the less important things into our day to day without letting them take over.

This year for me has been a bit of a blur until now. I started a new job around the first of the year, and then found out at the end of February that I was pregnant with my daughter. fortunately I was able to work from home with the new job and financially we were able to keep our heads above water, barely but we're extremely grateful for what we did have. we were scared to leave the house, scared of what could happen to us, but mostly how it could effect the little human growing inside of me. the world felt so far away.

looking back on all of it though, for me on a personal level.. I needed the world to shut down.

And I'm not going to say that I'm upset about people having to leave me alone, because lets be honest here... it was kind of fantastic. I was able to spend the past 10 months with my husband and fur babies, all while growing this little miracle inside of me. so in my book, 2020 has been the best year in a very long time.

Our daughter, Luna Kai was born last Friday on Oct 30, 2020 at 12:06pm. She weighed 6lbs 14oz and measured 21" long. She's blue eyed, with auburn hair, and an olive skin tone. she has the longest fingers and the biggest feet I've ever seen on a new born, and we are COMPLETELY and totally obsessed with her.

Even the puppies can't get enough of her. Every sound she makes Bubba and Myleigh have to come check on her, and then kiss her head. my heart is so insanely full.

I hope that everyone can take a second to jot down a few positives that this year has brought you. Feel free to share them!! :)

So much love to all of you.




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